
Saturday, December 28, 2019

The Sanitation Workers Strike Of 1968 - 1713 Words

I am Human should be the words used to describe The Memphis Sanitation Workers’ Strike of 1968. Reverend Albert Hibbler came up with the sign â€Å"I Am a Man† meaning I am not going to take [expletive] anymore.1However, those words (I Am a Man) come off as a little too aggressive, even slightly imposing, which is something that does not capture the essence of this strike. Because, the sanitation workers were not protesting to impose their will or were even trying to start a fight. What the sanitation workers wanted was to be recognized as a union. They were not asking for extra money or better working conditions, they just wanted to be recognized as a union, nothing else.2 This is something that sounds a bit silly, like they did not want more†¦show more content†¦This starts reaching a tipping point once Henry Loeb is sworn into office. Loeb with the support of whites who want to prevent blacks from making any gains in both any form of power or union.5 Seeks to separate white and black workers from doing the same type of labor, so he starts pushing white workers out of their garbage picking job, some of them do leave while others remain, but in positions of power – including the drivers of the trucks who were usually white – while black sanitation workers were being treated like a lesser being, creating a very clear division. In their job picking garbage, black sanitation workers would start the morning by getting to the workplace, where a roll call was done and if the person doing the roll call did not like the way you responded when they call your name, this person would send you home.6 Because black workers did not have a union to represent them or a place to file a grievance, they would have to swallow this type of mater-slave type of treatment. This was close white workers were getting to almost having a form of slavery in the workplace, since the whiteShow MoreRelatedResearch Paper: Martin Luther King, Jr.887 Words   |  4 PagesLuther King III, Dexter Scott King, and Bernice King. In 1954, when he was 25, he became the pastor at Dexter Avenue Baptist Church in Montgomery, Alabama. Kings interest in a strike of black sanitation workers in Memphis, Tennessee in the spring of 1968 reflected his growing concern with economic issues. The workers wanted pay equal to that of whites. Taking time out from planning sessions for the Poor Peoples March, King flew to Memphis on 28 March to participate in a rally of 6000 people.Read MoreAfrican Americans And The Civil Rights Movement1623 Words   |  7 Pageshopes with the New Deal reform and increase in industrial unions, giving them an economic and political stage on which they now had the opportunity to bring forth their demands and start a popular struggle, together. 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On December 18, Secretary of State William H. Seward proclaimed it to have been adopted. It was the first of the three Reconstruction Amendments adopted after the American Civil War. On April 4, 1968, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was hit by a sniper s bullet. King had been standing on the balcony in front of his room at the Lorraine Motel in Memphis, Tennessee, when, he was shot. The .30-caliber rifle bullet entered King s right cheek, traveledRead MoreMartin Luther Kings Impact On The Civil Rig hts Movement1030 Words   |  5 Pagespart in the creation and enactment of the Civil Rights Act in 1964 and the Voting Rights Act in 1965. He received the Nobel Peace Prize in 1964, among other honors. King continued speaking throughout the country until his assassination on April 4, 1968, in Memphis, Tennessee. He continues to be remembered as one of the most influential and inspirational African-American leaders in history. Martin Luther King, Jr. was born on January 15, 1929. His name was originally Michael King, Jr. but his fatherRead MoreMartin Luther King Jr Essay1299 Words   |  6 Pages(history.com; Martin Luther King Jr.). On August of 1968, the voting rights act was passed by congress, which allowed all African Americans the right to vote as stated on the 15th amendment. On april 4 1968, Martin Luther King Jr. was assassinated but is still remembered and honored for all his achievements during the civil rights movement. The assassination of Martin Luther King Jr. was an act done by the face of racism and hate. In the spring of 1968, Martin luther King Jr. along with other SCLCRead MoreAfrican Americans From The Civil Rights Era Essay1699 Words   |  7 PagesDelana C. Henry Prof. Kim L. Dulaney Cultural Diversity 1020.51 2 October 2015 African Americans 1968-Present Introduction We re not Americans, we re Africans who happen to be in America. We were kidnapped and brought here against our will from Africa. 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Thursday, December 19, 2019

Who Suffers Most from Willys Delusions - 842 Words

The main character in Arthur Millers Death of a Salesman is Willy Loman. He is an old salesman who lives in world build up of illusions and memories. His life is based on dreams which never come true. Willy is trying to accomplish the American Dream, but in his dream accomplishment successes of his sons, Biff and Happy, do not exist. Lomans receipt for wealth is personal attractiveness and well likeness, unfortunately he never achieve these receipts. During his life he follows his dream, but when things go wrong he fools everybody around including himself. His memories are filled with amazing stories which always make him the hero that everybody else are proud of. By not living in reality he makes his†¦show more content†¦Willy: Dont be a pest, Bernard! To his boys: What an anemic (1.33.4-5). Unfortunately what Loman had thought Biff, never works for him in the real world. Willys frauds affected his sons life very badly. Biff always wanted to be as his father, the super hero father. Loman makes his son make the same mistakesShow MoreRelated Man vs. Himself: Betrayal and Abandonment Shown in Arthur Miller’s Death of a Salesman1507 Words   |  7 Pagesbrother in which Ben lies and jokingly admits going to Africa. Willy regrets not going with Ben to Africa, because that is where Ben became rich. Because he was not as successful as his brother, Willy views Ben’s going to Africa as a betrayal. Willy’s issues with abandonment began at a young age. He suffered a lot emotionally and he strived to find a role model. This emotional instability and lack of a role model continued to affect Willy later in life physically, Centola makes the comment â€Å"somethingRead More The Fall Of Willy Loman Essay822 Words   |  4 PagesThe Fall of Willy Loman Willy Loman was a man who gradually destroyed himself with false hopes and beliefs. Throughout his entire life Willy believed that he would die a rich and successful man. It was inevitable for him to come crumbling down after years of disillusions. We can look at Willy’s life by examining some of his character traits that brought him down. Charley once said to Willy, â€Å"When the hell are you going to grow up?† Willy spent his entire life will this false illusions andRead MoreDeception of Family in Death of a Salesman and A Doll’s House1243 Words   |  5 Pagesof a Salesman and Henrik Ibsen’s classic play A Doll’s House, expose dysfunctional families and behaviors. In these plays, the themes of innocence, guilt and of truth and are considered through the eyes of deception. Both plays tell us that most of us choose to play roles and deceive, not only those immediately, but distantly around us. In Death of a Salesman the father passes deception to his boys the next generation. A Doll’s House Shows deception in a whole different way. 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As Ophelia transitions from sane to insane, upon being rejected by Hamlet and told she is underserving of his love by her family, Ophelia’s fragile mental state becomes paramount in terms of determining her actions as she takes her own life. As Shakespeare developed the characterRead MoreCatcher in the Rye, Macbeth and Death of a Salesman Comparison Essay1918 Words   |  8 Pagesbecome complicated by external factors, which ultimately lead to tragic results. Willy, from the play Death of a Salesman by Arthur Miller, Holden, from the novel The Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger, and Macbeth, from the play Macbeth by William Shakespeare, live with false perceptions of life and struggle through lifes challenges. Willy struggles with the challenges of his life by lying, causing him to suffer because of how he defines success. 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On the other hand, based on the memoir written by Jordan Belfort, Martin Scorsese’s movie â€Å"Wolf of Wall Street† features Jordan Belfort, the drug-addicted stockbroker who makes millions defrauding inv estors, laundering money, and manipulating the market. What makes the movie a crucial and troubling document of the present is not so much Jordan s business plan—he tells us repetitively that it s too complicated and uninterestingRead MoreQuest For Literary Form : The Greeks Believed That The Tragedy1742 Words   |  7 Pages Tragedy contains six features according to Aristotle. These are; characters, diction, plot, thought, spectacle and song. Many poetics in their inquiry dedicate in the scope and correct use of these features with explanatory examples drawn from tragic plays like Sophocles’ dramas. (Kennedy Gioia, Pp. 1203) Character is essential in a tragedy, for every character has important value that is only exposed in the plot. (Kennedy Gioia, Pp. 1204) The moral aim of every character

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Law Civil Wrongs and Criminal Offenses

Question: How Does the Law Distinguish Between Civil Wrongs and Criminal Offenses? Answer: Speaking in general terms, it can be said that crime is something that involves condemnation from the community and the State prescribes the punishment in the case of a crime. While on the other hand, in the case of a civil wrong, the wrong is committed against a particular individual who in turn knocks the doors of justice and brings about a civil action asking for compensation for his losses. And it is also against the repayments that are due to him for the wrongs committed against him (Hobartlegal.org.au, 2016). In a legal aspect, prosecution for all crimes is brought by the State, though, in certain instances, private criminal prosecutions take place the number being very low. As far as civil wrongs are in question, the prosecution is necessarily brought about by the person who is affected or who has suffered some harm because of the alleged commission of the civil wrong. A person who is at a loss in a crime holds rights against the accused or the wrongdoer to claim for compensation or losses that he has undergone because of the acts were done against him (Gibson, Beauchamp and Shailer, 2008). However, in most of the instances, initiating a civil suit for recovery of those damages in crimes turns out to be futile, and no recoveries are possible thereon. The victims of crimes often receive criminal injuries compensation wherever a criminal conduct is proved against him thereon it becomes apparent that the offender holds on to no means through which he can satisfy the civil judgments that are initiated against him. There are caps on this (Chambers, Dawkins and King, 2013). The maximum compensation that is available is $30,000 when the matter is for a single offense, and the amount exceeds to $50,000 where there is more than one offense in concern. However, compensation on these terms is not available for any civil wrong. References Chambers, R., Dawkins, K. and King, G. (2013).Criminal law. [Wellington, N.Z.]: Continuing Legal Education, New Zealand Law Society. Gibson, A., Beauchamp, T. and Shailer, G. (2008).Business law and ethics. Sydney: Pearson Education Australia. Hobartlegal.org.au. (2016).Crimes vs Civil Wrongs | Hobart Community Legal Service. [online] Available at: https://www.hobartlegal.org.au/tasmanian-law-handbook/crime/criminal-process/crimes-vs-civil-wrongs [Accessed 17 Oct. 2016].

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

My First Pet free essay sample

My first pet Convincing a family to adopt a pet kitten can prove to be quite troublesome. Owning a pet requires a decent amount of free time and great responsibility. Staying persistent in your endeavors and showing your family just how serious you are can prove to be rewarding in the end. Caring for a pet cat can prove be a major responsibility for an eight year old. Even though I was fully aware that I was far too young to take on the responsibility that comes with owning a pet, I was very persistent in my endeavors at convincing my father. Day after day when my father arrived home from work, I would always bring up the subject again at the dinner table, but the answer that I was always faced with was a quick and simple â€Å"NO. † I continued this persistent behavior for quite some time until he finally showed some clear signs of reluctant caving. We will write a custom essay sample on My First Pet or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Finally, one day after going about my daily routine in nagging my father about the subject of a pet cat at the dinner table, he gave me an answer I wasn’t quite expecting: an answer filled with hope! In a clearly reluctant and slightly annoyed voice, he told me that he would discuss this matter with me after we were through eating dinner.Overjoyed that I was given an answer resulting in some hope other than the stereotypical answer he gave me on a daily basis, I quickly finished my meal and headed down the hallway into the living room. I anxiously waited for my father to finish so he could hopefully give me the answer I was finally waiting for. After waiting ever so patiently yet quite anxiously for several minutes, I finally began hearing my father’s footsteps heading down the hallway towards the living room where I was waiting for him.He silently walked in with a surprisingly gentle expression on his face and sat down across from me on the sofa. He began to explain to me the commitment and time needed to properly care for a pet such as a cat just as he did many times before. However, this time the conclusion was quite different. It was the conclusion I had been wishing for all this time. All the persistent nagging that I put him through on a daily basis finally paid off in showing him just how serious I was about owning a pet cat.Once he was through with his dreadfully long speech on how much trouble it was to take care of a pet, he paused for a minute and asked me with a completely straight and ever so serious face if I was prepared to handle the consequences of owning an animal, if any should arise. I starred right back at him with gleaming eyes, with a straight, serious face and replied with a simple â€Å"Yes Sir! † After letting out a small laugh, my father got up, patted me genteelly on the head and said something I will never forget. â€Å"Having your own responsibilities is your first step to becoming a man. Saturday morning we will take a drive over to the SPCA to see if they have any kittens available. † I was completely overjoyed and spent most of the night deciding on what color and breed of kitten I wanted and prepared myself for Saturday morning, which was only a few days away. That Saturday morning I awoke completely refreshed and bursting with energy. I immediately jumped out of bed, threw on a change of clothes and headed for the kitchen to partake in my morning ritual, which consisted of a gigantic bowl of cereal loops. As I entered the room I noticed my father was already dressed and all set to head out the door as soon as I was ready.I immediately sat down and started devouring my delicious bowl of cereal as quickly as I could, for I knew where we would be heading as soon as I was finished. After disposing of my empty bowl in the sink, I slipped my shoes on and headed for the car with my father. Finally the time has come. After this brief car ride, I will be at the location I ever so desired for quite some time. Twelve minutes had passed when we finally arrived at the local pet store. Once we had entered the building, I quickly dashed towards the feline area of the store.The previous night I finally made my decision on what kind of kitten I wanted. I didn’t necessarily care for the type of breed but mostly cared about the color. I had promptly decided on an orange kitten. There wasn’t a legitimate reason behind my choice of color. I just in some way favored orange cats over others. As I made my way down the aisle where the cats were kept, I noticed that orange colored cats seemed to be a rarity, at least at this specific pet store. After searching for a few minutes I finally found the orange kitten I had been seeking.Surprisingly, it seemed to be the only one of its color left available. I walked up to the nearest associate and pointed to which kitten I had chosen. He gently picked the kitten up and put it inside a small carrying container and handed it to my father so we could make our way to the front desk. Once my father was finished taking care of all the necessary paper work, we hopped back in the car and headed towards home where we would start our relationship with our newly appointed family member. Coon and I became best buddies right off the bat and grew up more as brothers as time went by.My father, to this day, never regretted his decision in allowing me to have a pet even though he was quite reluctant at the start. Staying persistent and showing my family that I hold the amount of responsibility and willpower needed to take care of a pet was key in my endeavors in convincing them. I made it clear to them that I won’t only be adopting a pet, but a new member of the family whom I will grow up with and enjoy many fond memories with. Once I was able to convey my feelings through my persistent nagging and outward show of responsibility, I had achieved my goal and will soon be welcoming the newest member to my family.