
Thursday, January 5, 2017

Gene Therapy and HIV

Today, my melodic theme is going to be nigh the most famous and heavy causing affection in the world. And that is charitable immunodeficiency virus. For many of you who do non bonk what human immunodeficiency virus is it stands for sympathetic Immunodeficiency Virus and is a computer virus which causes severe damage to the resistant dust or in other words Attacks your resistive system. Your immune system protects you from pathogens (microorganisms care a bacterium, virus, etc. that can cause illness) and human immunodeficiency virus is the pathogen. White blood cells (or leukocytes) argon cells of the immune system that atomic number 18 involved in support the frame against both infectious disease and foreign material. volt different and diverse types of snow-white blood cells exist. They live for just about three to cardinal eld in the average human body and are find in different locations like the blood or at heart tissues. And HIV affects these cells leavin g your body with no protection. HIV causes the disease AIDS if it gets to a real level or head and there are four stages of HIV. HIV has been circulating among battalion for about 100 eld decades wideer than scientist had thought. As long as people woeful from this virus take the medications infallible (ART and ARV), it will maximally suppress the HIV virus and polish off the progression of HIV disease but is still no cure of HIV or aids so far. This is where my discipline gets interesting and easier to understand. I know what you readers are thinking or what first came to mind. Is there ultimately a cure for HIV? Well not necessarily but this process I am about to inform has some great culture and facts that youll want to know either if you have HIV or not.\nReintroducing my topic Can divisor Therapy Cure HIV? is a chance. Gene therapy is an experimental technique that uses genes to treat or check disease and in this quality it is so far a success for HIV. Engine ering a patients declare immune cells to resist HIV could eliminate the need for long antiretroviral therapies. Scientist mod... If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website:

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